Best Atlanta Wedding Photos of 2020
What a crazy year where I learned the meaning of Gratitude. Trying to pick my Best Atlanta Wedding Photos of 2020 was a much different experience than normal. In a “normal” year I might shoot 35 weddings at all sorts of big beautiful venues. This year I photographed less than ten and many were in backyards or with a guest list of 10. And you know what, I loved it just as much. Everyone was so grateful just to get to be married and be with those close to them that you couldnt help but see emotion. I was so grateful to be able to still be with clients in such a hard year. I had way less photos to choose from this year which made the job easier. But here are my favorite wedding photographs taken in Atlanta in 2020.
From tiny backyard weddings in the middle of atlanta, to a small rooftop gathering at the georgia club to half full houses at king plow or chateau elan. There were still some pretty great wedings this year.
Best Atlanta Wedding Photos of 2020 Slideshow
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Best Atlanta Wedding Photos