My Best 100 Wedding Photographs of 2019
The best thing about being a wedding photographer is getting a chance to join the inner circle of beautiful couples on a day that is big for them and their families. They trust you to join them as one of their friends and allow you to be a witness and documentarian of the little moments that show their families love story. For every couple that invited me to tell your story this year thank you. I chose some of m favorite images for a variety of reasons whether it was the story, the emotion, the art, what I went through to make it, etc. If I didn’t select a photo from your wedding I still love you and your photographs. It’s hard to narrow down the 10’s of thousands of photos I delivered couples into a set of 100 so I’m sure I missed some great ones and some great couples I love. I love getting to do this job and this post is always a favorite because it’s a chance to look back on the year I had and get me excited for all my clients to come. Thanks for looking.
My Best 100 Wedding Photographs of 2019 Slideshow